*burp* excuse you mama!

OOOO mama & burping.. I think sometime daddy is too embarrassed to take her out to public. Sorry that she burps alot... when I say alot, it means alot. And it's not controllable! :( I'm sorry... am I causing mama gassy??? let me do some research about burping and pregnancy...
Don't be surprised if you find yourself belching like a champion beer drinker or having to unbutton your pants to relieve bloating weeks before you begin to show.O Ow... :( mama will be burping like a champion beer drinker! :) hehehehehehe
Why does this happen? The primary reason is that during pregnancy you have much higher levels of progesterone, a hormone that relaxes smooth muscle tissue throughout your body, including your gastrointestinal tract. This relaxation slows down your digestive processes, which can lead to gas, bloating, burping, and flatulence and generally create miserable sensations in your gut, especially after a big meal.
Auntie Ramona is mad at mama coz she didn't tell her right away after she found out that she's pregnant.. okay I think this is an american custom thing, we're not supposed to tell everyone till the first trimester (3 months) over, because the first 3 months are the crucial time. After 3 months the fetus (baby) will become more stronger and the risk of miscarriage will be lesser... then you can tell people. Mama so sorry.. blame it on daddy.. he's the one who wanted to hide stuff from people. Momma already wants to anounce it to the world once the test result came positive.