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Carissa's Blog


Officially 4 Months!

Yes call me Fatty McPretty! :) heheheheh tho I don't think people can tell from the outside these days, BUT if I lif up my shirt, yes my belly pop out already :). So exciting!

See.. can you tell I'm 108 lbs now :P hehehehehe I'm so proud of my belly. I already can feel fluttered here and there... but not all the times. It's like someone swimming in your belly :) but better feeling :). Hhehehe I can't wait till I can feel the baby kick.


Food for the week

This past few days I feel so much better, except headache here and there. I tried to toughen up and not take any tylenol. But on Sunday I can't help it, it hurts really bad, so I took 1 tylenol. The next day (which is yesterday) I just put ice over my forehead, and it helps. :)

Food of the week: Bagels (lightly toasted) with strawberry cream cheese (yummm)

Today I went to the dentist for the very last time for this year. So thrill!!! :) finally he didn't say "I'll see you in 2 weeks" :) so happy.


I want this.... :(

huuu huuuuuuu :( I want the chicken curry (in the middle, yellowish color chicken). Huu Huu *crying louder while drooling*


Pregnancy Glow

The "pregnancy glow." The glow that others notice (though you may not) isn't just a sentimental old wives' term. This facial shine actually has a biological basis. The increased volume of blood causes the cheeks to take on an attractive blush, because of the many blood vessels just below the skin's surface. On top of this redness, the increased secretions of the oil glands give the skin a waxy sheen. The flushed face on many pregnant women is similar to the one non-pregnant people experience when they are excited, cry, or do anything that increases their heart rate (which pregnancy does constantly).

These past few months, I become so lazy to put any make up on, this morning I went to work and then I went to the restroom and look at myself at the mirror... there you go... blush without make up blush. But the thing is when I looked at it closely, it makes me look like I have freckles.. pink/reddish freckles... which is weird. If by tomorrow this reddish cheek are gone, it means i just have skin rash :P hehehehehehe


We'll See...

Based on the Chinese Gender Prediction chart, I'm having a boy.. we'll see whether this chart is accurate or not.

If you're pregnant want to see what you will have, click here


15 Weeks

15 weeks :) 1 more week and I will be 4 months pregnant!! yey.... ALMOST half way to go... I can't wait to feel the baby moving and kicking. My weight right now is 108 lbs. :) well done.. :)


Why am I sick all the time?

I was chatting with Vone today, and she brought up the subject whether I am always sick because I work too much? and then I think.. maybe she's right. Do you think because of my 4 jobs going on causing me stress and making me sick?

Because I remember I was fine the day before, and the next day I got an upsetting email from my boss and I suddenly keep on throwing up. You think???

Do you think if I quit some of my jobs, I will be much better? Do you think with all the pressure of catching a deadline is one of the cause of me being nauseous more? But what's gonna happend if I already quit my jobs and I'm still sick??!! I will regret quitting those jobs.

I work 4 jobs not because I need the money, i just love being busy... and I don't want to be one of those women who dependent on their spouse's checking account.

I don't know... I just want to feel better... it's not fun being sick in months and being grumpy around people at work.



Sick again... :( I couldn't believe this... one day feel better.. one day I can't even eat a thing. I did try to eat, but it ended up in the toilet bowl. So what's the point then??!!!

My mom called and told me just to be thankful for all of these experience... HAH! yeah easier to be said than done.

I do feel thankful, but I'm just tired to be sick for months!! this is not only a week sick.. MONTHS!. I was so jealous hearing all the stories of other mom who only got dizzy, or 2 weeks of morning sickness, or just can't brush their teeth.

Anyway, I'm done ranting. Thanks for listening...

OOO by the way I already started reading children books to my tummy :) I know that the baby hearing won't be fully function till 18 weeks BUT since I have a good hearing sense.. who knows my baby has a bionic ears :P heheheheh. I try to read both english and indonesian stories, so the baby will get used to with both language.


Gift from God

I'm not perfect, I was reading one of my bestfriends' blog, and she has this video clip of All for Love by Hillsong. This song touched my heart, these past 3 months I've been struggling about whether am I ready to be a parent, do we have the financial to raise this precious gift that we got from Him. What kind of parent am I going to be, are we going to be strong enough to raise this precious gift. So many questions and doubt in my mind. When I heard this song... I just realized that everything I need is Him, He who has been faithful to me throuought my life. I need to learn how to surrender... surrender my life... my family.. and our future baby in His hand. I believe He will take care of our family, like He has been.

Everything I need is You
My beginning, my forever
Everything I need is You


Just for fun

I was browsing thru the babycenter.com forum and saw this fun website that predicts the arrival of your baby.

This is the result after my first try:

What she senses for you
The day you deliver, outside will be windy. Your baby will arrive in the morning.

After a labor lasting approximately 9 hours, your child, a girl, will be born. Your baby will weigh about 11 pounds, 10 ounces, and will be 18-1/2 inches long. This child will have hazel eyes and a little patch of brown hair.

did you see that???!! 11 pounds!!!! and you know what.. somehow i believe that I could possibly having 11 lbs.. since Carson was born almost 11 lbs.. and Erica (his sister) was a big baby too... holy cow.... *night mare*.. so anyway I went back to the site and changed some of the answer.. and here's the second result:

What she senses for you
The day you deliver, outside will be windy. Your baby will arrive at night.

After a labor lasting approximately 5 hours, your child, a girl, will be born. Your baby will weigh about 9 pounds, 9 ounces, and will be 18-1/2 inches long. This child will have light brown eyes and some blond hair.

still 9 pounds!!! oh boy....


huu huu this is what I want...

It is so hard to be pregnant and lives in someone else country. All the food or thing I crave are food from home that I can't hardly get around here :(. So for the past few weeks I've been craving this fruit called Jambu Air or water apple. We can't get it in the US.. only in tropical country. So I told my friend about it and he actually bought it for me to take a picture and sent it to me... he's so nice.

Jambu Air is the red color fruit, while next to it are these sour mangoes.. which is really good.... oh my... *drooling* and the fruit dip is the one that I always make called bumbu rujak. It's pretty much just palm sugar, salt, chilli pepper, crushed peanuts, tamarind, and some shrimp paste.

Yummm... only if.... I can go home for 3 months.. :) oo btw.. we're planning a babymoon!!! do u know what's babymoon? Honeymoon is a vacation after you got married, babymoon is a vacation before the baby born. So it's more like the last vacation just the two of us.. :) YEY!! :) so excited!!!


Our Baby's Heart Beat

So we went to the doctor and everything is great, I gained 1.5 lbs :) yippie.... and then next appointment will be... FEB 14!!! Yippie.... and.. it's Ultra Sound time.. We will see our baby for the very first time, and we will find out whether it's a girl or a boy. :) So happy... :)


I want this!!!!! :( SO BAD!!!!

Bakmi Alok (Alok's Noodle)


I'm Thankful

After visiting babycenter.com forum, I guess I have to be thankful because with my 'all day sickness'... I know for sure that my baby is growing healthy inside me. Even doctor said that morning sickness is a sign of a healthy pregnancy. I bet I would freaked out if I suddenly feel normal again.

Morning sickness is associated with a healthy pregnancy, and is linked to a lower miscarriage rate and larger healthier babies. It is uncertain why this is the case; one hypothesis suggests that reduced food intake at the beginning of the pregnancy causes a corresponding increase in the size of the placenta, which ensures better nutrition for the baby for the rest of the pregnancy, reducing the risk of miscarriage.


Sick Fairy... Please go away....

I just want to feel normal again... please God.. please... I'm tired being sick... I threw up again this morning... and I can't really eat anything :(. I ate a bowl of cereal for dinner.. and that's it.. I'm not feeling well... :(

When is this 'all day sickness' will be gone?? when when when...

Please pray for me so I can go through this..... I still need to work.. I can't just lay in bed and do nothing. :( I have several jobs need to be taken care of, and 2 of them already left behind... Please pray for me so I can gain my strength again...



I was craving for these indonesian snacks, but I was too scared to fried stuff.. So for the second time, I used the deep fryer that I got as a wedding present from Ringga. :) I made bunch of fried stuff... tofu, banana, and tempeh (the rectangular shape one). But it took so long to make these... from hungry.. to not hungry anymore.. and then hungry again.. and then not hungry :(. Blah... it's snowing too outside. Since these food are greasy.. I will be more gassy than usual!! Hooray!!! :)
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My Lil Bump

13 Weeks... Does this bump count?
Current Weight (1/13/07 @1:37pm): 104 lbs
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Gas Pain Anyone?

So today I experienced what they call gas pain... I was so scared because the pain was so strong and it's on my ribcage area.. my right ribcage.. it last for about 5 minutes, I got freaked out and called the first nurse. I was so scared but while I was talking to her the pain was gone... so she told me it might be just gas pain... but she will still call my doctor to inform him that I had some pain around my rib cage.

Hmppf.... I'm so scared... :( *praying that everything will be okay*




Meat Meat Meat

Lalallalal I'm feeling much better.... still got some nauseous in the morning.. but after 5 I'm fine.. still tired.. but who doesn't :). So I went home and ate BIG MAC!!! :) did you hear me? BIG MAC! :) yummmmyy.. baby likes it! :)

Now I think I might have to have 3 baby showers... 1 for the indonesian girls, 1 for my coworkers + etc, and 1 for family. So everyone won't feel left out and I don't really like a very big gathering since I want everyone feel welcome and comfortable.

I know it's way too early to talk about baby shower.. but seems like pregnancy is faster than planning a wedding! now is January, I will probably have the indonesian baby shower in April, and I will host Ringga's baby shower in May, and the family baby shower will be in June. WOW... time will goes by really fast people!!! :X *nervous*

One of my friend who goes to the same clinic with me just told me that 18 weeks is the time that they will do ultra sound and find out the sex of the baby. So it's officially FEB 14! Valentine's day we will find out!!!! :) I should make a poll how many people think I will have a boy or a girl.


13 Weeks!!!!

Tomorrow (or 1 hr from now) I'm officially 13 weeks!!! :) it means that I'm entering my second trimester!!! :) woohooo... good job mama.. you passed the first trimester. We will have fun together... :)

Some fact from babycenter.com:
How your baby's growing: Your belly may soon be big enough to announce to the world that you're expecting, but your baby is still tiny. In fact, he's only about 3 inches long crown to rump — roughly the size of a jumbo shrimp — and weighs just about an ounce. Despite the small proportions, there's a fully formed baby inside your womb now. Much more proportional than it was a few weeks ago, his head is now only about a third the size of his body. His tiny, unique fingerprints are already in place. His kidneys and urinary tract are functional, and he's starting to urinate out the amniotic fluid he's been swallowing. As you start your second trimester, most of your baby's critical development will be completed, and your odds of miscarriage will drop considerably.
Good night... I'm sleepy... I'm going to bed now...


Yay for meat!

So I finally can eat meat again, I had mc. donalds chicken nuggets for lunch and for dinner I was craving for KFC (first just the skin) but I ended up eating 2 pieces of chicken with rice! :) yummm so that's a good thing. :) Less nauseous... still have some nauseous in the morning but it's getting much better.

I was bored last night, so I made a baby registry at target. I know.. i know it's way too early... but Better early than late... am I right or am I right??!! :) hehehehhe

I registered at Target and Babies'r'us. So just check em out and please please let me know what do you think I still need or maybe if you see something that not worthed to be bought. Remember I'm a first time mommy here.. so I need your guidance.


Sick again...

I jinx it! :( I'm sick again.. I was fine last wednesday.. and suddenly nauseous again... and today I can't stand it anymore.. I went home early.. I did try to eat meat last night, but it wasn't went really well.

huuu huuuu when is the nauseous will be gone??!!! when???!!! seriously when?!! I can't eat meat! I want meat!! thinking of meat make me nauseous! :(

and... and... I lost 1 lb.. :( I'm 103 lbs... 12 weeks pregnant and loose weight! :( people keep on asking, have you showing yet?? I lost weight! :(

ughhhh.... tho I know some of my pants need to be unbutton when I sit now so I only have 2 regular pants that i can wear. BUT I ordered some maternity pants from old navy and it feels so comfortable... well I bought 3.. 2 of em still way too big.

I don't know what to do... Carson always gone... this is wrestling season.. but I guess it's a good thing too otherwise he will drive me nuts too :(.

I wanna go home.... huu huuu huu


The authors

now, there will be 3 people who will write on this blog. Me.. mama and papa. You can tell from the right side of each post. There's a section 'by: baby andorf' or 'by: carson andorf'. Don't get too confused okay.. :)

OO btw... another fun fact about me... I will be born on the year of golden pig:
2007 is the Year of the Pig in the traditional Chinese lunar calendar, and also, that year belongs to “gold” according to the five-element theory. There is only one “Gold Pig”year in every 60 years, and it is believed that a person born in the “Gold Pig”year will be blessed with great fortune all through his/her life. Thus many young couples are planning to have their babies in 2007, without knowing that their good will has also boosted the economy to grow.
Interesting huh??!! Ooo don't miss papa's first thought on mama's pregnancy below....


Stinky Papa sets some ground rules

So Destri is feeling better today. That is great. I heard that the second trimester is supposed to be better then the first. That is good, because I miss my wife. The woman I married was happy all the time, rarely got sick, enjoyed most foods, and didn’t mind what I said, what I ate, or what I smelled like. I understand if I stunk or something – but it is more of the type of colgne, deodorant, body wash, after shave, or the wrong combination of them. Also, lately Destri will have cravings. The past few days it has been fruit – watermelon in particular. Anyway, I am glad to get food for my wife, but I had to set some ground rules. Now she is only allowed to make me go to Hy-Vee twice a day. After that – I will not go. Before she would wait until I changed for bed and started watching a TV show and then she would say “hmmmmm…. Popsicles sound good right now,” and of course we don’t have any. Well she is allowed two of them throughout the day – so the second time she better know what she wants. I guess living within a mile of Hy-Vee has its advantages and disadvantages. It is almost too easy to go and get a couple groceries. We never go and buy a cartful. It is always 4 or 5 items but we do it everyday. Anyway, now that Destri is eating for two – I have doubled my trip allowance. But really I am glad to go get food that Destri can actually eat.