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Carissa's Blog


Baby Soft Shoes

Look what mommy made for Baby C today!! :) after struggling for hmm couple hours trying to figure out how to operate the sewing machine. Finally mommy finished my first pair of shoes :D.

There are still more fabrics left over, so mommy will try to make more tomorrow.. Maybe nicer & neater :D.

Aren't they so adorable?!!! Here's the free pattern & instructions to make something like this.


Climb Up the Ottoman


Baby Leg Warmer in Action


Baby Leg Warmer & Wartburg T-Shirt

Today Daddy-o went to Wartburg College to give a speech. He came back and bought Carissa this cute tees. Thanks daddy.. and he also got himself a tees, and now I just realized while I'm typing this blog.. where's mommy's tees??!!! *hellooooooooo*

Anyway so, today I took Carissa to socialize with my Indonesian friends, and she seems so good with strangers holding her huahaua usually she scared at new people.

Then mommy & carissa went to super walmart and mommy found this $1 socks that can be used as baby leg warmer. I LOVE baby leg warmer, since I'm "potty training" icha right now, so it's easier if she's not wearing pants. BUT when she's not wearing pants, her legs got bruised up from crawling alot. SO.. Carissa got this baby leg from grandma's co worker, it works like a charm.. it's not too hot and it's not too thin but it prevents her leg from bruising.

So I googled how to make baby legs warmer, and found this awesome tips. So Mommy made 3 so far, the first one was a failure so I threw them away. By the way Mommy actually have the real sewing machine now.. not the mini kind anymore! :D woohooo.

So who wants baby legs warmer???? I'll take pictures of her wearing these tomorrow :D


Almost 9 Months Young


Batik Baby

This isn't a kimono by the way. It's actually a piece of fabric we called 'cukin' (pronounce like choo-keen). This fabric is used to wear the baby (carrying the baby). Since I don't really know how to use this.. so we just use it for playing peek-a-boo :D

She looks so cute with this fabric tho :D


Carissa's first easter

Auntie E taught her how to make this face

Pappa & Baby C


Infant Potty Training Updates

So we managed to get Carissa peed in the potty chair 3 times yesterday, and today she peed once and POOP!! woohooO!! :P so proud of my baby!!! I know it's TMI for most of the people. But I don't care, it's my baby's blog I can't write whatever I want.


Potty potty

First successful potty!!! She did it at 8-am this morning!!! :D so smart... I never been so excited about pee before :D huahauhauah

So this is actually not really what we call potty train, it's more learning to listen to her communications regarding her pottying needs. So yeah, no punishment if she didn't pee.. and we will only focus on 1 pee in a potty per day. Then gradually will add 2 or 3 times pee perday. :)


First Time Babysitted with non-family member

Today was a very big day for Carissa, she was babysitted by my awesome co-worker's wife for 2 hrs. She's so great with Carissa, they get along fine. She even helped me picking up our messy living room!!! Yay!!!!

What else that we did today... hmm.. oo she thinks mommy's feet flying around up in the air is so funny. She laughed so hard when we both lay down on the carpet and play with our legs.

I really think I want to start potty train her (partially). I've been researching on 'Diaper Free Baby' or infant potty training. Because back home, most of the babies are potty trained since they're couple weeks old!

Last night before I gave her bath, I sat her on the toilet seat and then I made the "ssss... sss..." sounds, she laughed at me.. and then she PEED!!! amazing.. it might be a fluke.. since I tried again today and she didn't pee :(.

Oh well...


Carissa & the Cat


Wearing "shoes"

Technically it's more like a slipper.. it has soft soles. :D Seems like she doesn't care with or without shoes.

She's so adorable!! ALL PINK! :D


Carissa the cute bunny


Rearranged Furnitures

Today I took Carissa to run some errand, when we came back our living room has been rearranged by daddy. I guess now it's more child proof :D. Then we went to Target to get some stuff. So we bought the toy organizers for Carissa, and some other house stuff.

Here's what Carissa's toy organizer look like.


Busy Saturday

Here's a picture of daddy & carissa watching TV in the morning after her morning nap. Of course she wants to lay on her cute tiny pillow and tiny body pillow. After chillin at home, we went to Des Moines.

Mommy had to take pictures for her friends and then we dropped daddy off to see Caiden & his daddy at the Blank Hospital. After that mommy & carissa went to great aunt Joni & my cousins Megan & Matt.

Megan & Matt has 2 kitties, Carissa LOVES the kitties. She laugh so hard that mommy thought she was crying. She loves to chase the kitties, and laugh so hard when they ran away from her.

Carissa had a blast at great aunt Joni's place, Megan & Matt love to play with Carissa. They gave carissa a little teether ring that becomes Carissa favorite teether now.

Maybe Carissa will come visit them again soon, while mommy can go shopping!! :P heheheeh.

What a busy day, lots of car rides today... but it was a very fun day! :)


Now Pictures Time

Since I always post her smiley & non-expression photos. Now is the time to show you all her true colors when she's mad. Usually her face will turn red, and then she will cry. This is after she woke up from her afternoon nap, I went upstairs she was all happy, so I told her I'm going to get my camera. Then she saw me left the room, so she's mad at me.

We finally got another gate for the stairs since she fell on her butt couple times because she climbed up the stairs and then try to sit down.

By the way she got her first boo boo on her forehead, (carson was the one who was in charge when she got her boooboo *ehem ehem*) hauhauahuaha anyway, based on what Carson told me, Carissa was standing up holding onto the ottoman, and then she did her one hand stun as always and then with the other hand she tried to reach something, so she fell and hit her forehead. :( Poor baby...

Now she ALWAYS pull herself up, every time she see something that she can hold on to.



Carissa's Dance Move 2008

Carissa's Watching the Mickey Mouse Club House


Playing with Pots & Pans

Carissa having a blast with pots & pans at Grandma's house. :)
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Happy 8 Months Old!!!

Carissa loves to dribble the ball


Carissa with Hair

Since she looks like a big girl in the previous picture, so I decided to add baby suri hair style :).

What do you think? hehehe I think she looks so cute with long hair. :) she looks like a toddler with hair.


Big Girl Car Seat is Here!!!

Carissa's new car seat has arrived!! :) It's HUGE!! but it will last till she's 65 lbs. Which is more than half of my size. Do you know that I only weigh 100.5 lbs now??!! I've been eating like a pig.. and still loosing weight.. what's wrong with me??!!!


Almost 8 Months Young

Here's the video from the past 2 days. This month seems like she achieved so many milestones.

- crawl (7 months 2 weeks?)
- pulling herself up
- cruising
- climbing up the staircase
- sleep thru the nite from 7pm (well.. she wakes up at 5.. but I nursed her and put her back down :D)
- hmm what else.. basically she's just so mobile right now...

can't wait to go to grandma & grandpa so carissa can start going from one room to the other, grabbing grandpa movie books and torn it apart HUAHAUHAUA (better start hiding all your valuable papers pappa!).