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Carissa's Blog


First Time Stood Up

Today, Carissa officially can stand up by herself without holding onto anything. I wish that I could recorded!! maybe this weekend. Usually when she knows there's camera around she will NOT do it...

so yeah she did it twice today, she stood up from sitting position.

YAY!!! next step.. walking... anyone want to bet when she's going to take her first step??


Yum Yum Yum


Baby Carrier

I trade some of my baby shoes with this awesome sling, one of my babycenter forum mommies made it. Seems like Carissa like it :D

Here's a picture from last week, she didn't want to wear any t-shirt so I let her be topless :D hahahaha organic/nature baby :D

Those are rice! not maggots!


The Puppet Show

Carissa LOVES puppet show, every time we play with the puppet stuffed animal Carissa laughs so hard!!!

Puppeteer - Daddy C
Turtle - Tardy
Naked Piggy Bear - Tikky

FYI Tikky is my favorite stuffed animal since 2000, he (tikky) is getting so old, I tried to look for a replacement that exactly like him but still no luck :(.


Riding along in my automobile - Video


Riding along in my automobile

Beep! Beep!


Pictures Time

We tried to swaddle her... didn't work!

Can I got more yogurt please...


Going to the Park

Today the weather was awesome, so we went to the park near our house.

There were so many kids and people, Carissa kind of shy and I think she was so tried too her last nap was at 1, and we went to the park around 4.

Anyway, here are some pictures that we took:

From First Time Go...

Here's a picture of her by 7pm:

Aw.. she's wayyyy to tired...


Fresh Food Feeder

Sara showed me this cool gadget called the fresh food feeder, I heard about it before but I just never seen it. We stopped by at Walmart since I need to get some fabric and then I bought 2 of the feeder.

I put fresh organic banana in it, and she LOVES it! she can actually eat the whole banana using that :D


Visiting Baby Caiden

Yesterday we went to Daddy's best buddy's lil boy. He's so cute!!! but Carissa doesn't know what to think of him, she likes their puppies instead. They have 2 small dogs, Carissa loves to play with them.


Bed Time Story


Play Ball


Mommy is busy

I am sorry that there has not been a post for a few days - I think I keep my mommy too busy. This week she has made 13 baby shoes, 56 meals, work 2 jobs, and still is a great mommy to me. She feeds me, changes my diaper, reads to me, plays with me, and takes me on a lot of car rides.

She has recently taught me to use sign language for milk, play peek-a-boo with a blanket, play paddy-cake, how to shoot a basket, and bounce a ball.

My mommy is the best



Daddy is such an AWESOME daddy

Carissa wants to brag about her daddy, so the whole world will know how awesome he is.

Why my daddy is so awesome??
  1. Daddy play with me AT LEAST 3 hrs a day 
  2. Daddy built me stuff so I can play with them
  3. Daddy teaches me A LOT of tricks
  4. Daddy changes my diapers ALOT, even during midnight (yeap till now)
  5. Daddy feed me when mommy busy with her catering
  6. Daddy even made me a menu for the whole week and make sure I get enough nutrition
  7. Daddy always be by my side when the nurse poking me with needles :(
  8. Daddy helps mommy preparing bed time routine for me
  9. Daddy ALWAYS buys me books
  10. Daddy reads to me at least twice a day
  11. Daddy always gives me hugs & kisses good night before I go to bed
  12. and many more...
Yeap my daddy deserves to be the best daddy in the whole wide world! :D


Andorf's Zoo


Icha & AJ - 9 months old

From Icha & AJ (9 ...
AJ came over today, it's been a while since Carissa saw him, he's getting so bigggg and he already has LOTS of teeth! :D

Carissa had so much fun, in the car Carissa laughed so hard because she thinks AJ playing peek-a-boo with her since she can't really see him because his care seat is huge. But once in a while he popped his head out and then icha laughed so hard!!


Carissa & her Snack Trapper


Stand & Laugh


Eating by Herself

We're trying to let her eat by herself, she needs to practice to chew as well. So in this video, she's trying to eat cut up banana and some baby fruit snacks.


Walker & Before Bath time routine

We actually let her climb up the stairs before bath time. :D It's fun to see her trying to run away from Daddy. :D


Carissa's Newest Trick


Ms. Cranky Pants

Mommy & Ms. Cranky Pants

Yesterday she was so cranky, and I had a gizillion meals to prepare.. so I decided to hold her while I prepared the meals.


9 months check up

It's been a tough & stressful day. We went to the dr. appointment at 10, didn't get in till 10:45-ish. Found out that she will get some shots today and I didn't give her tylenol in advanced. Everything went well until the dr. had to clean her ears a little bit and she start screaming, and she won't stop screaming. While Carson holding her, I pretty much couldn't do anything... that's what happen when I got to stressed out.

So she got 2 shots today and she also got her blood taken for lab. 3 pokes :(.

She weight 16lbs 11 oz (20 percentile)
She's 27.5" long

Anyway.. now she's sleeping and I'm still depressed seeing my baby being poked so many time.


Stacking Rings




Carissa and her walker


Dancing Baby


Priceless Smile

Today we spent the whole day as a family, we went out for lunch and then drove around the car dealership since we're going to get a car for Daddy C. After that we went to Lowe's.

Have I told you that Baby C managed to open the baby gate and went upstairs by herself? Then Daddy C fixed it and again she managed to pull the gate open.

We just realized that Baby C LOVES to dance, every time there's a music around (TV or her toys) she always dance! I will post the newest dance video here soon..


Playing with Daddy


Play date

Today Mommy D & Baby C went to the first Story County Momz Group play date. We went to the Ames Park & Rec center, they have a gym that they open every Thursday for moms & kids to hang out and let the kids play. They have variety toys in the gym... but most of the toys are for 12 months & up.

Anyway, we met with my BabyCenter Forum friend & her son (Alexander). Now Baby C has 2 Alexander friend :D. She might get confused later I bet :D heheheh. By the way he's actually 4 days younger than Carissa, yet he's so big compare to her.

It was fun.. she likes to play with older kids. She even play tag with a 5-year old boy.. so cute. The little boy even crawled with her :D and run around the gym.


Carissa's Progress Page

We have a new webpage to help track Carissa's progress. We will try to update it every couple of weeks. She has a doctors appointment on April 7th - we will for sure add new info then.


Hahaha Hahah Hahaha

The previous post actually an april's fool prank from big Daddy C, Baby C and Mommy D just helping him getting the stuff up :D hahah

I'm sorry people!! :D

Mommy D still addicted to sew! :D I made more shoes.. shoes shoes.. shoes..

This one is for Carissa's friend, Danny


Carissa's first few steps

Carissa take her first few steps and then has a little fall. Must be the new shoes.


Baby Shoes in Action


Carissa the Godzilla