Look what I got in the mail today!!! Ernita is one of my bestfriends in High School sent us this gift! :) Really nice... we love it. Thanks Ernit!! :)
Oooo and I bid a baby swing from ebay for only $22.50! it's a winnie the pooh swing. So we're going to pick it up tomorrow (since the shipping is 24 bucks) so we prefer to drive there and pick them up.
So yay... !! :)
By Destri Andorf On Saturday, April 14, 2007 At 7:53 PM Comments :
ya iyah.... dulu kan kita pake selempang doang :D hehehehehhe ga ada dah yang namanya baby swing.. baby bounce.. :D.. si mbok yang biasanya bounce2 in kita :D hauhauahuah
I'll be born in the Chinese Year of The Pig
I will start kindergarten in 2013,
be old enough to drive a car in 2023,
and will graduate High School with the Class of 2026
yg jual ayunannya dekat2x situ juga ya, des ? nyaman ygg cute kayaknya tuh ayunan. (lha iyalah, jaman aku dulu pakai kaen sarung digantung doank kekekkek)
ya iyah.... dulu kan kita pake selempang doang :D hehehehehhe ga ada dah yang namanya baby swing.. baby bounce.. :D.. si mbok yang biasanya bounce2 in kita :D hauhauahuah
Jadul banget ya, ayunan pake kain sarung. Pasti kain sarungnya digantung di Pohon ya, ha...haaa....