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Carissa's Blog


Dr. Appointment Updates


still 4 cm dilated and 80% effaced.. baby position -2... so it means she hasn't drop yet.

I guess I'm done waiting... I will let her to decide when is she planning to come out.. and I will try to enjoy my 'me time' as much as I can.


37 Weeks!!!!

Alright.. I'm ready!! I'm so ready to pop the baby out... but yet... no painful contraction yet *sigh*. When..... oh when... this belly is getting heavier and heavier...

When the dr. explained to me what's contraction feels like, I was like "I got those everyday" he said contraction usualy start with backache (okay.. I have backache since.. uhmmm.. forever). And then the upper belly will tightened... (I got that every 10-15 mins), so... the only sign that I've been waiting for is cramp... but I never had cramps before... so I assume when i get it I will know that is a cramping feeling.

Okay.. wish me luck every one!!! :) I'm aiming sometime this weekend or next....


Cute Toy

I found this toy at one of the garage sales on Saturday, :) I got it for a buck. It's so cute, it has three little bugs that rotate and spin atop a colorful flower pad while "Ring Around the Rosie" plays. Aw.... so cute!!! I think I'm gonna collect all these Lamaze Toys


Done Done Done

We finally finished our checklist... we got everything that Carissa needs. *Now I feel so relieve*

We went to Sam's Club and got 1 box of Pampers Swaddlers, a lot of our friends recomended so we got that. $34.88 for 216 diapers.. it means 1 box only for 18 days... $1.93/day for diapers. So since Carissa will be breastfeed for sure.. we will save some money.

Then we got those vaseline, diaper rash ointment, rubbing alcohol, peroxide, baby wipes, hand sanitizers, basically everything... so now I feel much better.

My mom called and I told her about my dr. appt. and she seems excited now. I think my mom & I has a similarity.. we're kinda 'lag' in a thinking process. We won't get too excited till months :D.


Doctor Check-up

Went to a dr. appointment today, as usual it took forever.. my appt. was at 9:30am and didn't get it till 10:15am. Then I had to wait at the dr. office (examine room) for 1/2 hr. Anyway so I was waiting with just a piece of sheet covering my waist down for 1/2 hr... felt so irritated.

Finally 10:45am the dr. walked in.. said hi.. and all t hat nice stuff he always does. Then he checked my measurement and my measurement actually correct now.. (it used to be 2 cm behind remember?) Then he listened to the baby heart beat.

After that he told me that he won't check my cervix since I'm only 36 weeks pregnant but I told him I was planning to go to Carson's cousin wedding in Cedar Rapids this weekend (about 2 hr away from my town). He told me that we better check just for safety, then he checked my cervix.. and he's like "you are.... 3-4 cm dilated and 80% effaced." I was like "You're kidding right?!" *chuckling* Dr. said "I know I like to joke around, but this isn't something that I like to joke about" and I was still couldn't believe and couldn't breathe either.. *fanning myself* "are you sure..? you're not kidding?"

Long story short... he told me I better not going anywhere more than 1 hr away. Since I'm in the "dangerous" phase. BUT he told me some people stuck in 4 cm for weeks... so we never know.. since I haven't had the strong contraction (or maybe I didn't know that I had them).

I guess 7/7/7 can still possible!!!! :) we'll see what Carissa wants to do... :) Now it's up to her whenever she wants to come out... :) I told her to wait for at least 1 more week so she can build up her lungs for the world. :)

PS: when i told carson about this.. he couldn't breathe either :D hauhauahuahau

LOVE YOU baby Carissa.. just hang in there for at least 1 more week okay! :)


Pregnancy Journey (up to 36 Weeks)


36 Weeks - less than 4 more to go

Wohoo... (less than) 4 more weeks!! *hopefully* :). This Friday will be my last day working fulltime. Now the waiting... and waiting.. and waiting.. :)


Look Look

First "taggies" ring toy that I made for Carissa!! :) I will make one for baby Alexander later.. Letter 'C' is more difficult to sew since it's all curve. Hopefully A will be better (but it has a hole in it tho.. wish me luck! :)

ooo and "HAPPY FATHER'S DAY!!!" :)


New Sewing Project

I got this idea from 'taggies', since babies like to play with the tags. Anyway, I got this blanket from one of the indonesian mommy who doesn't use it anymore. So I bought some satin ribbons and make them as the tags. :) so with less than 1 dollar, you can make your own taggies blanket! :).


35 Weeks! 5 more to go!!

Yay!!!! :) 5 more to go!!! I can't wait... can't wait... We just went to our parenting class. This is a 3-weeks class. I think these classes might be useful for us. So I will try not to miss any of the classes. :) Next week we will learn how to change baby diaper :D I saw people did it.. but I never done it myself. It's gonna be an interesting class I bet :).


Bumbo Sitter

Next toy... Bumbo Sitter. :) Got it for 21 bucks.. original price: $39.99 :) Hahahaha. Hmm... what else.. I think that's it.. so many toys already!! :) I even already know what kind of toy that I will buy for her once she can start walking.. :D. I'm so excited... so when are we gonna see her??!! that's a good question! :) I (maybe I should say we.. since Carson already excited too) can't hardly wait any longer!!.


Garage Sailing...

Today I woke up at 8 o'clock sharp, began my journey garage sailing. I got bunch of baby clothes for 6 bucks (I budget myself 10 bucks per day for garage sailing money). And then I went to my last stop, and they had this baby swing set and a jumperoo! I was going to get both because it was only 20 bucks for the swing set that match carissa's car seat and stroller! and 15 bucks for the jumperoo. But I was too slow... I got the swing set tho! :) now I have 2 swing set.

I guess I can put one in the basement while I'm working and the other one I can put it in the living room. What do you think? or should I sell one?

Also I got this exercauser for 5 bucks couple weeks ago. :D heheeheh I'm such a cheap-o :D

What a productive garage sailing day :D.




34 Weeks!!! less than 6 more to go!

Hooray!!! less than 6 more weeks!!! Since my belly already have a gizillion stretch marks I don't like to take pictures of it anymore :(.

My belly is getting huge!!! :D


How to Swaddle a Baby



I'm so curious and excited want to see what Carissa will look like!! :) either way I know she will look adorable and cute and pretty! :D heheheh

At the 20 weeks u/s her profile pictures look like mine, and at the 31 weeks... she looks slightly different. OOOOOOOO anticipation... i'm getting so nervous yet excited to see her!!! :)


Prepare prepare prepare

Last night I already started packing my hospital bag. Most of the stuff I already packed, only toiletry and my make-up bag not in it yet.

Yesterday we went to the all day child birth class, it was okay.. didn't really learn that much. I just think that class can be shorten in 2 hrs session instead of 8 hrs.

Today, I took the carseat out of the box and put it together... it's harder than i thought figuring out how to put the canopy thingy. But I did it... here's the car seat

And here's the 'coming home' outfit that I picked!!! :D so cute!! and guess what??!! I already washed all carissa's clothes... yeap ALL!! :D


Newborn Essentials Checklist

What you'll need to have on hand for the early days with your newborn


6-8 undershirts (buy side-tying or button or snap front for the first few days; once the cord falls off, you may want to have some “diaper shirts” that snap closed at the crotch)
3-5 nightgowns (for use until the cord falls off)
6-8 one-piece stretchy sleepers
1 or 2 hats
2 or 3 “outfits” for dressing up
4 or 5 pairs of socks or booties, to wear with nightgowns and outfits
1 or 2 pairs of scratch mittens, to keep baby from scratching his face
1 or 2 sweaters or jackets, more in winter
bunting bag or snowsuit for winter baby


1 or 2 large cotton blankets
6-8 receiving blankets (also good as burp cloths)


If you are breastfeeding, no equipment is needed! Some nursing mothers like to have these optional items:
breast pump
milk storage containers
nursing pillow
nursing bras (if buying prenatally, buy one cup size larger than your pregnant bra size)
breast pads (disposable or washable)


1 plastic infant tub (or use a large dishpan in the sink, or take baby in the bath with you)
6 to 8 wash cloths, not used on baby’s bottom
baby soap or cleanser
baby shampoo
baby soft-bristled hair brush


If you are using a crib:
approved crib and crib mattress
2 or 3 waterproof mattress covers
3 or 4 fitted cribsheets
3 or 4 light blankets that fit in the crib

If baby will sleep with you:
firm mattress (not a waterbed)
2 or 3 waterproof pads to place under baby

Other items:

nail clippers or scissors (or just bite off baby’s nails as needed)
bulb syringe for suctioning mucous
baby thermometer
eye dropper or medicine spoon
approved infant car seat
sling or baby carrier
stroller that reclines so newborn can lie flat
diaper bag
1 or 2 change pads
change table (or just use change pad on top of dresser or bed)

Other optional items:

baby swing
bouncy baby seat
rattles and other baby toys