Done Done Done

We finally finished our checklist... we got everything that Carissa needs. *Now I feel so relieve*
We went to Sam's Club and got 1 box of Pampers Swaddlers, a lot of our friends recomended so we got that. $34.88 for 216 diapers.. it means 1 box only for 18 days... $1.93/day for diapers. So since Carissa will be breastfeed for sure.. we will save some money.
Then we got those vaseline, diaper rash ointment, rubbing alcohol, peroxide, baby wipes, hand sanitizers, basically everything... so now I feel much better.
My mom called and I told her about my dr. appt. and she seems excited now. I think my mom & I has a similarity.. we're kinda 'lag' in a thinking process. We won't get too excited till months :D.
25 hari lagi neh...kok gue yg deg degan sih hahhaah
hahahaha bisa lebih cepet dr 25 hari nih!!! :P heheheheeh tunggu kabar aja ok :P