Boppy Pillow
Here is Carissa after feeding time... she looks so content and peaceful. So I bought a boppy swaddle happy thing from Taraget. Since it has velcro so I thought she won't be able to get her arms out. The item arrived today, I tried to put her in it.. she was okay... for a while and for some reason she did manage to escape her tiny arms out! I couldn't believe how smart she is... she actually figured out how to do it, she bend her arms and then she wiggled em out! *sigh* I gave up swaddling her.
It's Thursday!! tomorrow is Friday! :) woohoo... I'm so glad Carson such a good daddy, usually after work he comes home and he holds her so I can have my 'me' time. So I can update this blog :) or take a shower :D.
I LOVE this picture....she is SOOOO sweet! :)
oh my precious sweetie
her facial expressions leave
me breathless
intoxicated with grandfatherlylove
her heart strings tug at me
miles&miles away
heard she is getting a card soon...
waaaaa lucu banget hihihih