Better prepare
so AJ (my BFF's son) who is a week younger than Carissa already teething.. so I'm paranoid... I started buying teething medication and pacifier for Carissa.. just in case if she start getting fussy in the middle of winter storm or we're at grandma's house.
So far I have.. the razberry teether my friend recomended
and then I bought some teether tablets & gels that I read is safe and awesome (based on so many sites reviews)

Am I so paranoid or what??!! :D heheheh better safe than sorry!! :P
So far I have.. the razberry teether my friend recomended

and then I bought some teether tablets & gels that I read is safe and awesome (based on so many sites reviews)

Am I so paranoid or what??!! :D heheheh better safe than sorry!! :P
Lucu teethernya. kebetulan postingan hari ini ada foto Célia pake teether + 1 lagi yg ditangan utk gigi belakang. Kok bareng ya hi hi hi