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Carissa's Blog


Carissa's Closet

Hi All,

Now Carissa officially opening an online store. Please visit her store blog for more information.


Military Crawl


Went to see daddy coaching

We went to see daddy coaching today :).

She was being so good. She just sat in her stroller and look around. Now she's taking a nap.. I think she's really tired. It's been 1.5 hrs nap so far. :)


New Toy


Look who's a big girl who can sit up by herself


Someone so close to crawl!!!


Relaxing with Daddy

Here's Carissa with daddy relaxing while watching football :)
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Playdate with AJ




She's so close to crawling now!!!
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New Outfit from Oma


Carissa got more clothes from Oma Vonny, this is one of them. Isn't she adorable.
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Banana Yum Yum


Friday with Mommy

Carissa and her new buddy.

after meal she decided to suck and spill her water from her sippy cup. So I had to change her, and I decided to let her wear the ISU outfit that I got when I was pregnant.

Since yesterday she ate solid food twice a day. She has fruit for lunch and veggie puree and fruit for dinner. Today she tried banana, she LOVES it! I'm uploading the video right now, I'll add it later.


Ni Hao, Kai-Lan

Finally!!! I found a cartoon character that based on Asian-American!! I'm so tired of Spanish inspired cartoon. We have enough of them.. there's Dora, Diego, Manny the handy man.
Ni Hao, Kai-lan is a play-along, think-along series that weaves together Chinese language and culture, preschool-relatable stories, and interactivity, with Kai-lan as your intimate friend and playmate!
Hahahahaha so cute..

Premiering on Nick Jr. Thursday, February 7 at 11 a.m.




Sleep Training

Here's the snapshot that I took from our baby cam.. fyi she was still talking while her eyes closed. So usually this what happen.. she'll complain for 5-10 mins when I put her down. Then she will talk by herself and try to fight her sleepiness... and finally she will put her head down on the mattress and then drift to sleep.

She's getting pretty good in this sleeping department compare to when she was 2 or 3 months old. She constantly need to be held while she's taking a nap.

Now time for mommy to clean.. or maybe bake cookies... YUMMMM



Tonight is the first night that I put her down awake in her crib and then I leave the room. I was so ready to hear her screaming & crying for at least 5-15 mins. But when I went downstairs with the monitor, I heard her crib toy's music on and that's it. QUIET... PEACEFUL...

Then I went upstairs to check on her, and she's sleeping!!! :) wow....

Today we went to see Mr. & Mrs. Wright, she play with Mary-Lou.. I think she might think she's her grandma since she has a similar feature like grandma Bev. Anyway glad that she's not scared of strangers. After that we went to Hy-Vee to get some fruits. I'm still waiting for the juicer... I can't wait to make her home made fresh juice from fresh organic fruits.

My Baby is such a sweet heart!!! :)


Pictures from yesterday

I Love Kisses

My Hello Kitty Band Aid from Mommy

My Other Hello Kitty Band Aid

No swelling, no fever, Hooray!!! :)


6 Months Check-Up

We just got back from carissa's dr. appt.

She weight: 15 lbs 6 oz (6.97398269 kg)
She's 26 inches long (66.04 cm)
Her head measurement: 44 cm
She got 3 vaccinations: DTaP, Prevnar (Pneumococcal), and Roto Teq

*sigh* now seems like she knows what's coming. Once the nurse came with the needles she screamed... I nursed her after the shots but it didn't help. So I dressed her up and took her out of the clinic right away. Then she fell asleep in the car.

But everything looks great said Carissa Ped. :D no more shots till 12 mos. We also skipped the flu shots.. Anyway she's not in the day care... and I got one already.. so now I'm waiting for Carson to overcome his fear of needle to get his shot. :D hauahuahauha



Today we went to church again.. *yippieee* and this time we sat at the cafe area, which is more cozy and there were only us and other couple with a baby. We sat on a big comfy couch, and she just sat there and play on the couch. She's such a sweetie... then we went home (she slept in the car) but before that we went to get food since grandma & grandpa came to see her.

Carissa woke up once we got home.. I fed her and then she play with grandma & grandpa.. she loves to play with them. Thanks for coming all the way to see Carissa... she had a great time.

BTW that PJ I bought it from Sam's club. She loves polka dots.. and she actually looks so cute in 'em. so I bought 2 of those, they're so comfy & warm and only 6 bucks each.

good night everyone.. tomorrow is Carissa 6 mos. dr. appt. we'll see how much she weigh.. I say.. uhmmm 16 lbs at least.


First Tooth!!!

Do you know that it's really hard to take a picture of the inside mouth of a teething baby???!!

Anyway.. I saw one of her bottom teeth finally come out... but only one... the other one still in the gum.. almost coming out too.


got green bean?


yum... green bean...

look at her facial expression... hahahaha... she loves green beans tho. This is actually the first time she open her mouth real big. I guess she likes green beans.

She's been learning how to crawl these days... yet she still couldn't figure it out... almost tho.. but she ended up getting rug burn on her knees... hhahahaha poor thing


Photo time



Well I know her vision is fine, but I just want to double check. Anyway it's free :).

She was doing so great at the eye exam, she even blew raspberry to the doctor when she's checking on her eyes. It's really interesting how they do the exam, I think Carissa really enjoy the exam too. It's more like play time for her.

So if you have a baby at the age from 6-12 months you should bring her to the optometrist near you who over the infantSEE program.

Here's a link to find a doctor near you


Carissa Went to Church

Today Carissa went to church for the very first time. We had to sit in the family-friendly room, with other people who brought their kids but don't want to put their kids in the nursery. It was alright, but she got bored after an hour sitting on daddy/mommy's lap. So Carson took her for a walk for lil bit.

Then after church I went to get her diaper change, and saw the nursery. It's actually pretty nice, they have cribs for nap and 3 or 4 glider (rocking chair). They have a room for infant that has play mats, bouncers, swings, exercauser.

Prior to the service start I just have to register her and I will get a pager just in case if something wrong happen. So I might actually try the nursery next time we go.

Nice to go to church again after 6 months.....

I might try to put her to the nursery next week.


Meal time


Happy 1/2 Year Old Baby Girl!!

My baby is 6 months old today!!! can't you believe it!

What's new... hmm... if you have watched her 5 mos. videos.. you can see that she can:
  • roll bothways
  • sitting up for few seconds by herself
  • LOVES to put stuff in her mouth
  • grabbing stuff ALOT (especially my hair)
  • she likes to make the motor boat sounds (especially when she's eating solid)
  • she has tried: carrot, sweet potatoes, peas, apple puree (also rice cereal) & apple juice.
  • her bottom 2 teeth almost there.. but not quiet there yet
Her schedule is pretty consistent:
wake up around 7am, morning nap around 9-10am, and then around 1.. and then last afternoon nap aroun 3 or 4. She goes to bed around 7pm.. still wakes up around midnight.. 3 and 6am (nice huh) Huahauahuaha

Happy 1/2 year baby!!!!


Happy New Year

Happy New Year everyone, as you can tell mommy has nothing special going on today so she decided to give Carissa a lil make over :D what do you think??? :D