Happy 1/2 Year Old Baby Girl!!
My baby is 6 months old today!!! can't you believe it!
What's new... hmm... if you have watched her 5 mos. videos.. you can see that she can:
- roll bothways
- sitting up for few seconds by herself
- LOVES to put stuff in her mouth
- grabbing stuff ALOT (especially my hair)
- she likes to make the motor boat sounds (especially when she's eating solid)
- she has tried: carrot, sweet potatoes, peas, apple puree (also rice cereal) & apple juice.
- her bottom 2 teeth almost there.. but not quiet there yet
wake up around 7am, morning nap around 9-10am, and then around 1.. and then last afternoon nap aroun 3 or 4. She goes to bed around 7pm.. still wakes up around midnight.. 3 and 6am (nice huh) Huahauahuaha
Happy 1/2 year baby!!!!
happyappy 1/2 year young
burthdaze sweetgorgeouscarissa
will light
a 1/2 kandle for thee
let burn brightly
for your long longevity
you are soooooooooooooooooooooo
good looks must run in the family
grandpa has some herring
& raw oysters & pickled pigs feet
waiting for you to mix with your'
peas & carrots & babyfood
may the next 6 months be as actionpacked
as we watch you grow up
into a liddlepreciouslady
our sweetheart
your ole worshippin' grandpappy
selamat ulang bulan sayang...
wah.. jadwal tidurnya lumayan byk ya.. sampe 3x dr pagi sampe sore.. klu matt dulu 2x doang.. & skrg cuma 1x doang, tidur siang dr pkl 14-16