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Carissa's Blog


New Play Hut

We got this play hut thing from our neighbor garage sale for only $1 :D Carissa loves playing in it. Carson put her chair in there and it becomes her reading hut.

Then today we went to Target, and found the tunnel on sale for $13 (yeah the tunnel is more expensive than the house :D). She had so much fun crawling in and out.

The best part about this toys.. they're foldable into flat and fit in a lil bag. I love playhut!!

Look at our future gymnast


New Chair Video


"New" Chair

We went to a garage sale this morning, and found this chair.. it's $10.. quiet pricey I thought for just a toy. But I found out the new store price actually $34.99. So I think it's a good deal.

I'll post a video of her playing with the new chair after this (uploading it right now).


Walking at the rec center again

Better quality than yesterday


Cute Face Expression

No, there's no way she's napping over there. She only can sleep either in her crib or in her car seat. That's it... Sometime I wish that she can crashed anywhere when she's tired/sleepy.


Carissa at the Rec Center

Since this week Carson is busy with the wrestling camp, he has to bring Carissa to the rec center while I was still at work.

After work today I picked her up from the rec center, Carson told me she's having a blast walking around in an open space. Since I didn't bring my camera with me, this movie I took using my cell phone.


Dr. Andorf is in Da House

Carissa likes to put this soothie around her neck. We think she looks like a doctor.


Carissa #29

Today was the first time I put Carissa in the Church Nursery today. I went registered her, and I got a little beeper just in case if she's crying or not being good.

I was kinda nervous at first and kept on watching my beeper just in case if they page me. Then the service was over, I went to get her and she just got back from a stroller walk holding a lil dolly. The person who watched her told me she did great but the last few minutes she was fussy, she must be tired. But other than that she was doing great.

So yeah.. she will go to Sunday School next year!! I can't wait :).

PS: I already updated Carissa's wish list, just in case you guys wonder what to get her for her first birthday. Basically she loves books.. those peek-a-boo books are her favorite. Clothes are also appreciated.. she can use 12-18 or 18-24 mos. clothes.

Amazon gift list
Target Gift list


Happy Birthday Daddy!

More pictures of Carissa playing with Balloon:

From daddy's birth...



She's so tiny.... I think she was almost 2 months old in this picture.. I can't believe she's turning 1 in couple of weeks...

Wow... she grows so fast.. the new stuff this month..

She knows command without any visualization. So for example, she will throw the ball if we told her to throw the ball without us reaching our hands out.

She knows how to sniff when you ask her to sniff, same thing with wave bye bye.. blow a kiss, give mommy a kiss.

She's such a smart baby :D


Beep Beep

Look who has a new bike?

Mommy got her new bike so we can have something to play with outside, since it's been gorgeous the pas few days.

Yesterday we had playdate at the park with one of my friends who lives in the neighborhood.

Carissa's been sleeping thru the night the past 2 days (I bet when I told everyone, she will start waking up again at 5am). She is also more chatty than usual these days, she can say 'done' and laugh alot when watching Mickey Mouse.

I'm still busy with the birthday planning. I think it's harder than planning my wedding since I have to bring her everywhere I go.

Here's another cute picture of her playing with the measuring tape.


Carissa Loves Daddy

Carissa have the greatest dad ever, he plays with me all day today :) He teaches me a LOT of stuff :).

I love you daddy! :) we gave daddy a fancy smancy remote control. Now he's in charge of all the TVs in the house :D



Happy Father's Day

Have a relaxing father's day everyone! :)


Carissa & Blayke

This is one of the priceless pictures of Carissa and her cousin. She loves marcus & blayke, they always can make her laugh & giggles (which is so hard to make her laugh & giggle).

Today they went back home :( Carissa will miss you guys... Now I know why people like to have lots of kids, they are just precious! I love it when they all play together or simply Carissa watching the 2 boys wrestled each other and she just sit there and cheered :D hahahaha.


Wrestling Guys

While Carissa's cousin here with us for a week, he brought his wrestling guys collection. Look who likes to play with them?


Playing Balls

Carissa is getting better and better in walking and standing up from sitting position. :) and yes she loves playing with balls.


Carissa & The Boys

The boys (carson's nephews) are with us for a week, Carissa LOVES spending time with them. Look what I found on my camera when I tried to download it to my computer.


Bed time story with Marcus


Carissa is mommy's 'mini me'

I was cleaning up our bedroom last night, and I found my picture when I was 2 yrs old. I bet this picture was taken on my birthday, since I was holding a birthday cake and the date on the back is December 82.

When I looked at this picture, I was amazed how Carissa looks exactly like me, well except she has bigger & preetier eyes and I have bigger mouth. :D Anyway.. she's my mini me except she gets more upgrade. :D hahahaha :D


Scandinavian Day 2008

Today we went to Story City for Scandinavian Day. We went there to see the parade and hang out with the Latch. It was fun, but it was so humid and hot.

Carissa went on her first carousels ride today. Not really sure whether she likes it or not, she was pretty tired and ready for her nap. But mommy not really a big fan of something that just run around in a circle.. makes me dizzy.

Here are some cute pictures of her.


Great Aunt

Last week, Carissa got a chance to meet one of her great aunts from Carson's side of family. We had lunch at Hickory Park. Nice to finally meet her, I even never met her before. :)

Here's a picture of Carissa with her great aunt michelle.


Happy 11 Months Young

Today Carissa officially turn 11 months.. 1 more month to become a 1 year old baby :( time flies by so fast :(

Today she walks alot, but as usual when we got the camera out she won't perform her tricks. But anyway, enjoy her video:


Eating with spoon

Don't ask me how she does it, ask her daddy. Her dad good at teaching her new tricks.

So far, here are the list of her tricks:
  1. Put the ball in a basket
  2. Put ball in the Fisher-Price Drop and Roar Dinosaur
  3. Wave Bye Bye
  4. Climbing up the couch & ottoman & stairs & etc.
  5. eating with spoon???
Anyway, here's the picture of her eating by herself.


Carissa New Sofa


Silly Daddy