19 Weeks...
Yeap... 19 weeks... next week I will be 5 months! :) half way done!! :) So happy..... Everything getting better.. I can eat... and less sickness...
Can't wait to find out whether it's a boy or a girl!! seems like the baby like to nudge me here and there.. sometimes alot.. sometimes I don't even feel it. If you ask me what's the feeling being nudge? it feels like your muscle twitch... feels like there's something swimming in your belly... People say you can't wait till the baby kick, but once he/she kicks you wish they will stop kicking. :) heheheh
aduuuh hikhik..geli kayak dikilik kilik gak sih perutnya ?
lucu aja lagi... kaya apa yah... kaya pas kamu laper.. cuman beda gitu.. gimana yah.. wah mesti ngerasain sendiri deh :)
duuuhhhhhhhhhh pasti debar2 nih tiap hari nungguin kelahiran si jabang bayi. smoga sehat terus sampai nglahirin nati.