Look Look

Look what mama bought me yesterday from goodwill!!! :) I love it, I guess if my mama loves it, I better love it :P hehehehhe.
For those of you who don't know what is that in the picture, it's a bumper pad for my crib. It's so cute! Anyway I've been pretty good with mama these days... I nudge her here and there, especially when she speaks Indonesian and laugh with her friends, I got so excited too!! :) I guess I have to learn both languages when I born.. otherwise I can't communicate with oma vonny.
Anyway... I'm hungry, I need to eat something.. mostlikely rice.. or pasta... :)
PS: Do you like my new blog design? mama just updated it. I bet she will change it again once she knows whether I'm a girl or a boy. :)
warna kesukaanku..ijo muda. sejuk and enak dipandang mata, des.
ihihi terima kasih.. :) iya nih kan ijo muda gini warna netral.. bis abuat cewe atau cowo :). hehehehe