I'm a GIRL!!!!!! :)

Now everyone can see my b/w pictures... I'm a Girl!!! mama even cried when she saw me for the very first time and she couldn't even stop smilling and crying at the same time!
I strecth alot, that's what the u/s technician saw. I kicked a lot too, but suddenly I felt a lil bit sleepy so I fell asleep when they're taking some pictures of me. So the u/s technician shake mama's belly to wake me up *how rude!*.
But it's so clear that I am a girl! :) click on the picture above to see my u/s pictures. Since I heard that grandpa andorf doesn't like to see u/s pictures. So anyone want to see my first pictures.. feel free to browse.. and mama will upload the video soon.
akhirnya...tau juga. selamat ya