Look what I got!!!

Auntie Erica came today with cousin Nate, she brought me bunch of gifts!!! Thanks auntie Erica!! I can't wait to wear the clothes and the bling bling pacifier :P hehehehehe.
Then mama and papa went to Des Moines to see auntie Joni & Megan. Anyway they gave me gift too!!! they gave me 2 books. Mama read it to me on our way to Babies'r'Us. Thanks auntie Joni & Megan... I love the books.
So today we went to babies'r'us to add more stuff and looked at some cribs & changing table. Mama keep on saying that I'm an expensive baby, but papa told her that I can't help it :P. Seems like they saw some that they like, but it's too soon to buy the crib. and who knows someone generous enough to buy me one :P hehehehehe.
Tonight, they might re-arrange some furniture in my room to make sure we can fit a crib and a changing table in there. (Since mama doesn't want to move the full size bed) :P
Papa try to explain to mama what I should call Megan and Nate, and mama got confused.. so Megan & Nate actually my second cousin... *confusing*
wah kalo babynya lahir, bakal buanyak lage neh giftsnya hehe
iya neh.. I'm so loved!! :) Tante Dian mau beliin apa buat Carissa???!! :P heheheheheh